In the United States, education is a government-provided right … children are required by law to attend school. In Peru, education is available, but far too often only the wealthy are equipped to attend. The impoverished families served by our mission do not have the means to meet all of the requirements of public education which leaves their children—the next generation of Chimbote—with little opportunity to work their way toward a better life. Thankfully, Friends of Chimbote supports many educational programs beginning with early childhood education to university scholarships and vocational programs. The ultimate goal of Friends of Chimbote is to transform the poor of Chimbote into independent and self-supporting members of their community and through the mission’s multi-faceted education program this has and is occurring.
Shoes, Uniforms, and School Supplies
For hundreds of children living in the barrios served by the mission, having the required uniform, shoes, and school supplies to be able to attend school was merely a dream until Friends of Chimbote stepped in and began providing the items that even public schools in Peru require of all students. At the start of every school year, hundreds of pairs of shiny new shoes, school uniforms, and backpacks filled with school supplies are distributed at the mission to enable aspiring students the opportunity to be welcomed into classrooms and be successful in their studies.
Sister Peggy Byrne’s Scholarship Program
After graduating from high school, the mission offers a variety of support options for students to attend university or technical school. One such opportunity is Sister Peggy Byrne’s scholarship program. In lieu of personal gifts, at Sister Peggy’s golden jubilee in Ireland in 2007, she requested that people donate to an education fund she would use to assist the poorest of the poor students in Chimbote. Since then, the scholarship fund has helped many children, young adults, and even single parents to obtain educations that have empowered them to get jobs, gain self-respect, and ultimately provide better lives for themselves and their families. This program provides leadership training, community service opportunities, and financial support for young people who not only wish to further their studies, but also become community leaders. This program commits to funding students for the duration of their education, as long as they meet grade requirements and donate time to parish programs where they learn the power of giving back and service to their fellow community.
Scholarship Recipients - Leaders for Tomorrow
Hundreds of students have benefited from the Sister Peggy Byrnes Scholarship program. Stories of transformation and sincere gratitude is heard over an over. Living in unimaginable conditions, with no hope of relief, these recipient’s dreams came true. With hard work and a helping hand these young people have bright futures as professionals and have taken a huge step on the path out of poverty.
Read Scholarship Recipient - Jesus Alberto Aguilar Bautista transformation!!
Community Learning Center - Cambio Puente
In 2021 a community learning center in Cambio Puente was built. The facility serves multiple purposes. This building is next to the community soup kitchen and plans for a daycare and a ACAF Social Service office is in the works. Located in close proximity to several of the barrios that the mission serves, the community learning center is utilized by children living in extreme poverty who now have the opportunity to excel in their studies and receive adequate tutoring to get caught up after a difficult pandemic. In addition numerous adult education classes are run weekly providing guidance on nutrition education, abuse awareness, hygiene guidance and personal counseling.

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