About FoC


What We Do  

All people are created in God’s image and likeness. and ACAF together with our partners work in solidarity to reveal and appreciate the humanity and potential within each of us. We listen, learn and draw inspiration from those we serve. Then, together, we take action.

We Nurture. We Build. We Educate. We Heal. We Innovate. We Flourish.

Together we transform lives and communities - both in the US and in Chimbote, Peru.


Our Mission

We work in solidarity to transform lives and communities by nurturing, building, educating, innovating and healing so that together we flourish.

Our Values

Rooted in the belief that it is our duty to serve the poor effectively and with great compassion, our values include: 

Dignity, Respect, Accountability, Empowerment, Integrity, Enthusiasm, Humility, Faith, Love, Hope, Conviction, Perseverance, Transparency, Solidarity, Justice, Honesty, and Loyalty

Faith Statement

When we affirm the dignity of every person created in God’s image, when we work to end racism, to care for our common home, when we work to address poverty by supporting FoC and ACAF’s services that help the poor transform their lives, this work is a reflection of the love and compassion of Jesus Christ."


Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Chimbote)

Virgin of Mercy Church (Cambio Puente)

Partnerships and Alliances

Carrying out mission programs and services requires the alliance of seven fundamental entities working in harmony:

1. Friends of Chimbote


3. Our Lady of Perpetual Help

4. Virgin of Mercy Church

5. Benefactors and Volunteers

6. Various Peruvian NGOs

7. Peruvian Government Programs that work to multiple our efforts

While each has different responsibilities, challenges, and opportunities, we all are UNITED TOGETHER in a common purpose to serve the poor of Chimbote and transform their lives with compassion integrity and respect.  

Our History

Over 40 years ago our mission began with the answered call to live the gospel of Matthew 25.  In the beginning there was one small soup kitchen and a few employees to serve over 30,000.  With the support of thousands of donors and volunteers from around the world, the mission programs have evolved to serve the many and varied needs of the poor from the most basic needs such as food, shelter, and medical care to the liberating and empowering access to education and transformation.   

Great progress and successes have been accomplished over the decades with thousands of families lifted out of poverty. This provides Friends of Chimbote supporters and volunteers with the opportunity to bring our life changing services to the outlying invasions where poverty is severe, and hope is missing. Our mission is to inspire and educate more generations of servant leaders to become advocates providing the poorest of the poor with a proven path to a life transformed. Our journey continues. The needs are great, but we know from experience that through the hearts, love, faith, and support of friends of the Mission that each day many steps are taken on the path out of poverty.  

Friends of Chimbote is a US-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization responsible for the governance, global advocacy, and fundraising needed to sustain the life-changing mission programs and services in Chimbote now and into the evolving future.  

Our office is located in Fargo, North Dakota with dedicated staff members who work with thousands of individuals, civic groups, sister parishes, and congregations to raise funds for mission programs, collect and ship donated goods to the mission, and coordinate mission group visits and volunteer services.